Tuesday, March 29, 2011

If I Fed Myself Like I Feed My Babies

Well this weekend was a mess....
I was chopping, steaming, and blending all day on Saturday.
I went to the store and dropped some serious cash on a TON of organic fruits and Vegetables to make Kader's food.
Why not just buy it right?? That's what I did with Krew.
It just feels right to me. I think sometimes the 2nd kid gets the short end of the stick, but not always. If I had known better I would have done it for Krew too.
I had so much fun doing it, and for every piece of fruit I cut Krew had two bites.
Two birds with one stone I guess right.
Anyway I'm a do it by the book kind of girl, so the count down is on until I get to let Kade try it for the first time!!
14 days until my baby is 6 months and chowing down!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Body by Baby

So I've really been struggling with my self image lately, and I can't stop obsessing over it.
I've had an excuse 2 years in a row to not get in a bathing suite, and this year I have none.
What am I going to do when I take Krew to the pool? Wear a t-shirt and shorts? No I refuse to be the person to lazy to get myself back into shape that I resort to that.
Will I ever wear a two piece again? NO....HECK NO!
I can thank my battle scars for that, but I will rock a super cute one piece this summer, and I will do it with confidence.
I'm loving this from Shabby Apple.....
How do I plan on pulling this off you ask?
Well it turns out I've got an amazing mom and mother in law who babysit while I hit the gym.
I've got an amazing husband who encourages me to go, rather than complaining.
I've got a couple great friends who come with me to make it less tedious, and
There is Karri and Jake Snow. I can not being to tell you how inspiring these two people are.
It is easy to go to the gym after having a baby and only get discouraged and give up.
Well at Prana EVERYONE is encouraging. I look forward to going and seeing progress people make, and hearing what they're eating.
Needless to say my current body is nothing like I want it to be, but it will be soon enough.
I'm doing it for me, because if I am happy with me I am a better wife, friend, and most importantly mother. I want to be a role model to my boys, and I want them to always live a healthy and active life.
And loving this from J. Crew......

Friday, March 18, 2011


I seriously have to remind myself to do this everyday.
I'm a planner.
I can't help it, but I plan everything.
That's ok right?
Well not when you do it months in advance.
It would be ok if I could:
remember the date, not give the present months ahead, or stay with the original plan.
I think about this because Seth's birthday is in two weeks and I gave him his present a weeks ago. I scheduled Kade's 6 month pictures when he was 2 months old, and now Seth works on the day we scheduled them.
I have bought Krew's Easter basket stuff..... twice because I buy the stuff and end up giving it to him.
I have already planned his birthday party theme, but I know I will change my mind in the next four months.
My goal plan ahead, but maybe a month not 2,4,6,or 8.

Monday, March 14, 2011

{Spring is in the air...}

Well we finally had a bit of spring the last two days of "spring break" (more like end of winter break)
It's funny to think that mid 40's is warm to us Wyoming people...
Well these two magnificent days were spent at the park running around the front yard, and walking our dogs who have a serious case of cabin fever.
I am so excited for spring to be here yet so sad because after Spring comes summer and this summer my baby will be 2!!! I cannot believe that he is now closer to 2 than 1. On the bright side my baby baby is still closer to a new born than a 1 year old.
They are truly growing way too fast, but I am learning to slow down and cherish every moment rather than dread the day they leave their mommy.
As of now these two have made some pretty big changes the last few weeks that I have been dying to share.
Krew is officially a talker. He is stringing together 2-3 sentences words and repeats EVERYTHING you tell him to. I have always felt like he was smart, but I really do believe he is gifted I'm just not sure in what way yet. He is NOT artistic just like me he gets bored way to easily. He will color for a couple minutes, but then is off to the next task. What he is good at is remembering things, solving problems, and talking.
For example the other day he brings me one of his book and says, "Read ham?" I thought he was nuts until I realized of all his books he picked
Green Eggs and Ham.
We walk into my school and he goes right to my friend Kims room and says, "Kids?" Every time we are at my work she is there with her kids, and Krew loves them! I just can't believe how big he is getting.
Oh and my Kader....
I truly love this little guy more than I can put into words. I am doing things much different this time than I did with Krew. Why? Because I've realized they are only babies once. Krew was always dressed like a little man. I didn't want to do the cutesy stuff with him because I didn't/don't like it. This time around I'm taking a different approach. Kader is my baby, and may be my last so guess what? I'm treating him like one. I'm dressing him in things that I'm sure will embarass him when he's 16. I baby talk him, cuddle him, let him sleep in my room, and I'm WAY over protective of him. He is making such great improvements in his PT that I couldn't be more pleased!
As you can see these two are my world and I am proud of every little thing they accomplish!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

You think you know me

I got a funny message on facebook the other day that got me thinking.......
If you knew me in high school you don't know me now.
If you knew me in college you don't know me now.

I am a mom, a wife, a teacher, and the best friend I can possibly be.
I can say I do everything with my children, family, and friends in mind.
I don't care about partying, drinking, buying the latest fashion.
I care about buying organic food
, purified water, having a safe car, the best rated car seats, and clothes for two tiny beings that depend 100% on me and my husband.
I care about being a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen, and a phone call away at any minute.
I hope that if you consider me your friend I do all of these things for you, because I know you all do that for me.

People always say you don't know how much children change your life until you have them. This statement is 100% true. I see it in myself, I see it in my friends who have had kids.

Because I'm not the person I used to be I will let the little comment roll off my back and smile because: I love my life and who I am NOW, and trust me there is NOTHING boring about being a mom to amazing little people.

This is who I am and what I live for.....