Tuesday, February 21, 2012

8 things to look forward to...

8. Spring Break is in 8 days! That means in eight days I get to hang with the family for an entire week!

7. My Masters program is over in 7 weeks! I cannot believe I did it! I did it with the support of amazing friends and I couldn't have imagined doing it with anyone else! We all worked hard and can take credit for our work.

6. There are 60 days of school left until Summer break! I know I'm all about the breaks! I really just can't wait for some good weather, bbq's with the friends, Krew's birthday, t-ball!!!, camping, branding, and time to relax!

5. Weddings, weddings, and more weddings! Along with the summer we currently have 6 weddings to attend that all happen to be two weeks apart. We are lucky that most are in town, but I am super excited to head to Cody to watch one of Seth's friends from the Marine Corps get married, and then Montana to see one of his high school friends tie the knot. However I will say I am most excited to see Ben and Mo get married. I feel like this wedding has been a long time coming and I guess I'm so excited because they were the last ones standing :-)

4. THE HUNGER GAMES! I know I am a complete dork but I am so excited to see these movies! I'm sure they are going to be nothing like the books so I'm not excited about that but it is always fun to watch books come to life and see what they are like.

3. Girls nights! Along with the great movies coming out I always get to go to dinner with some of the most awesome girls. We tend to be late to the movie or I guess miss it, but those are the best nights. The unplanned nights, the nights where complaints are filed, we get to act like we are carefree again, and then laugh about it for the next week.

2. The Color Run. Me and a BIG group of people are planning on doing the color run in Denver the last weekend in May. It is a 5k that supports the children's hospital in Denver. This is going to be a fun filled weekend with some of my favorite people.

1. Krew in preschool next year. This is probably my favorite thing about the upcoming months. My little guy is going to be walking the halls of Grant next year. I will admit putting him in my school has me nervous, but I think it should be fun to have him around.