Dear Kader,
Can you believe that you are two?? These past years have absolutely flown by. I honestly don't even know what to say about you my baby boy. You are a million different things rolled into one. You are one of the meanest sweetest little boys I know. Let me explain.... You react impulsively and have a terrible temper. (Thank Grandpa and Dad) This being said you hit, bite, and scream often. Sometimes I am convinced that you aren't even sure why you do it. However you hate to see people you love hurt. Your brother is very sensitive, and when you see him cry you do whatever you can to help your Krew. This is often the reason of your not so sweet behaviors. The other day Hope made your brother cry and you weren't so kind to her in the after math. You ask me for "nuggles" all the time and hold on tight if only for a split second.
Your smile is by far the best smile on the face of the planet. You smile so big your dimples shine and your eyes disappear. You light up my life with that smile. You are a dancing fool and always ask to "move it." When we drive to school in the morning you always tell me and your brother to dance. Talk about an amazing way to start even the grumpiest days. Your big brother is your best friend, but you also love to play with Maddux and you ask about every other day to go to his house. You like to fight over Ben and Mo and who they belong to. Krew always explains that they are both of yours. I can't wait to see your reaction when they have kids of their own! Your main goal in life is to grow big and strong like daddy so you clean your plate most of the time. Have I mentioned yet how incredibly smart you are? You know how old you are and yell it for the world to know. You have learned your colors and most of your shapes. Your vocabulary is out of this world and impresses me every day. To say the least Kade I thank God every day he gave me you.
Mommy loves you to the moon and back sweet boy. Happy Birthday.