Monday, March 26, 2012

Daddy's Girl

So anyone who knows me knows that I am a daddy's girl through and through.
It is as simple as this:
He has always been the person I looked to.
I look to him for approval, inspiration, advice.
Well this weekend he made my weekend with a simple text.
You see my dad is an outfitter and takes people hunting in the states of Wyoming and Montana.
This weekend he was in Detroit for the SCI banquet.
I was sitting on the couch Saturday night and got a text from him that simply said, "Lindsey and I are going to Manitoba for 7 days of fishing in the summer of 2013."
I was so confused by the way it was written I thought it wasn't meant for me, he made a mistake. So I mom!
She had apparently received the same text which then explained the way it was written.
After several more messages I was in tears and then the kicker text, "I always keep my promises."
When I was about 16 I told my dad for high school graduation I wanted to go to Canada to go fishing. Well then I became a senior in high school and decided I would go to Mexico with my friends instead (I chickened out and canceled my trip 3 weeks before).
I then tried to get my dad to take me to Canada instead.
I knew that wasn't going to happen so he told me if I got my Masters he would take me on my fishing trip.
Well this April I will be completing my Masters in Education and my daddy bought me my fishing trip for just him and I!
I am beyond excited because lets face it since I got married my husband has taken my place in the world of hunting, so to have this time with him is going to be great!
Let the shopping and planning begin!

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