Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A Night To Remember

While I would say that parenting is always rewarding there are certain nights that take the cake.
Every night I lay in bed and think about how blessed I really am.
It doesn't matter if I played ref to fights all day or if we played outside all day.
The end result is the same. I am thankful.
Then every once in a while you get a moment that keeps you awake because you just can't believe you were lucky enough to be a part of it.
Last night was one of those nights. 
I took the boys to the CNFR and had a blast.
Melissa came with me and we met my mom, dad, sister, and Dustin there.
From the very beginning they showed their true personalities. 
Kade went nuts during the bareback, saddle bronc, and bull riding, while Krew love the calf roping and steer wrestling. 
This is typical because Krew is my calm play it safe kid while Kade is my jump of the couch just to see if I can baby. 
I probably looked like a lunatic with a cheesy smile on my face all night watching them. 
Kade would yell, "GO, GO, GO!" While pumping his fists the entire time. 
Krew would clap as hard as he could when, "The cowboys roped those cows." 
It was a moment that I felt truly blessed to watch my boys experience something new. 
I have also gotten a lot of leverage out of telling Krew, "Cowboys go pee in the potty, Cowboys clip their finger nails, Cowboys go to sleep on their own." I plan on taking this as far as I can! 
All in all it was one for the record books, one moment that when I tell my grand kids about their dads this story will be one of them.
These are the moments we remember. 
Kade and His Papa
 My little Cowboy
 Krew and his Mo

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