My sweet Krew,
Well here we go again! I cannot believe it was 4 years ago that I became a mommy. Thinking back on the last year there are so many firsts. I will do my best to write them all so we can forever remember the year you were 3! This year was your very first year of preschool and I was so worried about having you in the same school as me, but you did so good. If you saw me in the hall you would catch your bubble and keep listening to your teacher.(Most of the time) You absolutely loved Mrs. Pauli and I'm sure that you will forever remember your first teacher. I am so proud of how much you learned this year and I'm sure you will continue to impress me!
This year you were also lucky enough to go on your very first hunting trip. You went with me, daddy, and papa to go antelope hunting. You were such a trooper and had a blast.
This year you also began playing basketball, soccer, and are getting ready to start t-ball. You are so incredibly fast! You get that from your daddy for sure. I'm not sure that being an athlete will be your thing or not, but I do know that I am so proud of you for never giving up. The last few soccer practices you didn't want to play, but we stuck it out and at least watched. I have to admit I think soccer was a flop because of the amount of kids they had on the field at one time.
During spring break you had your first trip to Disneyland and actually your second trip to California and the beach. I will forever remember you and Kader running on the beach and the way you could spend all day at the zoos. We would go home at night and you would show me the maps and tell me the exact locations we went to. You still hound me about missing the gorillas at the San Diego Zoo. Next time buddy that will be the first place we go :-)
Krew you are the most amazing big brother and son a mommy could ask for. You love with all of your heart and give the best cuddles. You have a love for animals that has me convinced that you will be a vet or work with animals in one way. You are very cautious but very brave. During branding this year you really helped papa and mommy move the cows and there were times we got a little nervous at how close you got. I know I say it every year and I can promise you I will never stop. Krew you are one of the best things that has ever happened to me. When Dr. Sheridan placed you in my arms I knew I would never be the same. You were the first person to call me mommy and I will forever be grateful to you for that precious gift. Thank you for showing me how to love unconditionally.
For your 4th year I hope you continue to grow and learn. I hope you continue to love school and make friends. I hope you continue to show your brother how much you love him, and most of all I hope you keep that million dollar smile.
The results from the yearly survey!! I love how a few of the answers are the same!!!
What is your favorite toy? "Ummm I think I need a snack first before I can answer that." (Touche little buddy) After snack: "My favorite toy is Buzz."
What is your favorite show? "Right now I really like The Goofy Movie."
What is your favorite food? "My favorite food is chicken, its delicious."
What is your favorite thing to do with daddy? "I like to go to the camp with daddy and Papa."
What is your favorite thing to wear? "My skivvies" (Wow 2 years in a row)
What is your favorite game? "My favorite game is playing hide and seek" (Same as last year)
What is your favorite color? "Blue"
What is your favorite animal? "Giraffe"
What is your favorite book? "This book about where animals live and what they eat." (You really do have daddy read that book to you every night!
Who is your best friend? "Maddux and well not Kade today because he took my toy away. Most other days Kade is my best brother though."
What is your favorite thing to do outside? "Slide down the slide"
What is your favorite drink? "Juice. Can I have some juice?"
What is your favorite holiday? "What is a holiday? Oh Ok well I really like Christmas"
What is your favorite thing to sleep with? "You." (Well ok but don't tell daddy I let you crawl in bed when he is gone.)
What do you want to be when you grow up? "Umm I want to be a doctor or a Cowboy"
What is your favorite movie? "Jack Frost" (Rise of The Guardians)
What is your favorite thing to do with mommy? "I like when we play pirates"
Where is your favorite place to go? "The Camp with my family"
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