Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Dear Krew,
I cannot believe that tomorrow you will be 3 years old. You are such a big boy and mommy is so proud of you. Over the last year you have accomplished so much that I don't even know where to begin! Your biggest accomplishment is being 100% potty trained. YAHOO!!! You continue to be one of the sweetest little boys I know and play so good with all of your friends. You have a heart of gold and truly care for other people and animals. Whenever Kade cries you remind him that it is going to be ok and you are the first person to comfort him. The other day I got out of the shower and I heard you tell him, "It's okay Kader mommy is never going to leave us." While we were at the fair the other day you were so sad for the animals at the petting zoo and kept telling me and daddy they were starving and it wasn't nice. I think it is so funny how you have an intuition for things like that because you did not say a word about the 4-H animals because you just knew they were taken care of.

Not only do you have a heart of gold but you have brains that boggle my mind on a daily basis. It is so funny how fast you learn things when I am not aware of it. We have been going to science camp at the science zone and at your first lesson they taught you about the eye. I thought it was way over your head and just let you wrestle with Maddux the whole time. Then a week later we were driving and you said, "Mommy what color is your iris?" I told you brown and you said, "Yep and your pupil is black." I will never doubt how much you can take from a lesson again.

With both of these amazing attributes it does not surprise me one bit that playing doctor is one of your all time favorite games. When you fix one of your animals you take such care and talk to them in the sweetest voice. You then fix their problem and help your next patient.

Not only do you have brains and a beautiful heart but I must also mention just how handsome you are. When you sleep at night I still sit there and stare and your perfect little face and think about how there is not one thing I could change on you. Your smile stretches across your face and your laugh makes everyone laugh with you. Your blue eyes dance when you are doing something mischievous and your naughty little grin make it so hard to be mad. You are just flat AMAZING!!!

Krew I want you to know that mommy thinks the world of you and cannot imagine life without you. From the day you came into my life it has been brighter and full of love.
You have taught me so much over the last 3 years that have made me a better person.
Always remember sweet boy that you are loved by so many people, especially your mommy and daddy.

To the moon and back my big 3 year old!!
XOXO Mommy

So here are your answers to your birthday questions... I have to admit some took a little prodding and some I think you completely made up :-)

What is your favorite toy? "My dinosaurs"
What is your favorite show? "Jake"
What is your favorite food? "Apples"
What is your favorite thing to do with daddy? "I like fishing wif daddy"
What is your favorite thing to wear? "My skivvies"
What is your favorite game? "Hide and Seek wif daddy"
What is your favorite color? "Blue and Pink"
What is your favorite animal? "The Horses and cows and dogs and tigers and dinosaurs."
What is your favorite book? "This one" (How do Dinosaurs say Goodnight)
Who is your best friend? "My very best Parker and my best Maddux and my best Kade and my best cohen."
What is your favorite thing to do outside? "Play in the water"
What is your favorite drink? "JUICE"
What is your favorite holiday? "Santa Clause"
What is your favorite thing to sleep with? "My Riley" (Riley does not sleep with you....EVER)
What do you want to be when you grow up? "Catch the bad guys"
What is your favorite movie? "Rio"
What is your favorite thing to do with mommy? "I do not books"
Where is your favorite place to go? "The Animal zoo"

All boy all the time

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