Saturday, July 28, 2012

Life Lessons

While on pinterest the other day I saw this quote and it really struck a cord with me.

I believe as a parent you try so hard to be perfect and a good role model, but I also believe that we can always improve. So while trying to be the person I want you boys to be I have developed a list of qualities that I want you to see daily so you can understand their importance.

1. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE: It is so easy to walk around being angry, but in the end that does nothing but hurt yourself. If you try your hardest to only focus on the things you love and the things that are good in your life you will find your heart full.

2. Forgive quickly...This is by far the biggest challenge for me because I am so much like my dad. Forgiveness is not something that comes easily to me but it is something I am working on. What is the point of holding a grudge when you can let it go. That doesn't mean you should forget the lessons it taught you.

3. Material things are NOT important. I have always given you boys the best. I am stating today that this will no longer be the case. While you will always wear clean nice clothes you will no longer have a new outfit everyday (This is a bit over exaggerated, but not much...). There is no need for a billion toys when you have these amazing imaginations that get more use than any object I could buy you.

4. Play... There will always be time to clean but we have so many limited beautiful days that we will take advantage of them 100%.

5. Work Hard. While playing is important it is also important to remember that in order to play you have to work hard on the other days.

6. Don't sweat the small stuff. Krew the other day you drew all over the recliner and in all honesty I just walked away. I wanted to yell I wanted to put you in time out, but I also knew that I would not put your feelings below a piece of furniture. I came back into the room a few minutes later after screaming into my pillow to hear you say, "Look at the e I drew mommy. Aren't you so proud of me?" At that moment I knew I made the right decision of walking away when I was angry. Don't get me wrong we had a very serious conversation afterward about writing on the couches.

7. Read. You can never read enough. You will find so much joy reading a book and losing yourself in the story.

8. Get out and move! While I have not made it to the gym nearly enough this summer I think I've done something much more important. I have showed you how to get exercise in your own back yard. We have spent hours running through the sprinklers, Daddy and I have strapped you on our backs and hiked the bridal trail, you've gone on walks every day. Needless to say I am glad I made the decision to spend this time with you.

9. Disagree respectfully. I think the reason your daddy and I work so well together is because we have very different opinions, but the majority of the time we disagree respectfully. This is also something I know I can do better on and I work on it daily, but you will know how to state your point without hurting feelings.

10. Give.  Your grandma is the picture of giving. I mean this in many different ways, and this is something I plan on showing you rather than telling you about.

There are a million other little things I want you to become, but right now I am choosing to focus on those 10 little traits and we will go from there. I have no doubt that you will become great men, but I also know that my role in who you become is much more important than I may have noticed. I promise to remember that you are always watching, and I hope you see something great!


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