He is my one true love.
My Best Friend.
The father of my two beautiful boys.
If you asked me when I first met him if I knew I was going to marry him I would yell from the roof tops........
I bet you didn't see that one coming did you? He was a young crazy boy who wanted to do nothing but party and meet as many girls as possible. That's when I entered the scene.
3 years older than him we both had our own mission with each other. Mine was to get this crazy kid to calm down and pick a path in life. His was to get me to loosen up and have a little fun while I was still young.
We met somewhere in the middle.
After what one might call a crazy ride (Marine corps, ex boyfriends, new girlfriends, broken promises, lust and then finally love) we ended the roller coaster with a trip the Orange county court house and promised to be together FOREVER.
I didn't make that decision as lightly as it might sound. It took months and months of him trying to convince me and then when I went out to visit him I knew. I just knew he was it for me. All I could imagine was my life without him and when I tried to do that I saw NOTHING. When I imagined my life with him I saw exactly what I am living right now.
This was not what happened 2 years ago today this was our own wedding in California with just us and the man who signed the papers.
2 years ago today we wed in front of our family and friends in -22 degrees.
My handsome Marine stood in front of 200 guests and waited for me; his wife to join him as we wed in front of all to see. We wanted our "wedding" because I needed the white dress, but more importantly I needed to hear the words "What god has joined, let no man separate." I'm not a religious person but every wedding I have ever attended I get chills when I hear the pastor say those simple words.
We live by those words...
So here we are 2 years later 2 beautiful baby boys, a house, and 2 dogs.
This is what I imagined......
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