Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I dread it.
I despise it.
I would pay someone weekly to do it.
I always forget it in the washer, so I have to rewash it.
Or leave it in the dryer so it gets wrinkly.

There are times when I am so on top of it, I do a load every night. Then there are times like right now.

As I was leaving for work this morning I hear Seth yell, "Do I have any clean underwear?"

I stop in my tracks and think do I lie and tell him yes then run out the door? No, this is something I must fess up to. I reply, "Yes they are in the washer." Well, wet underwear are apparently not what he had in mind. Frustrated he asks how long they've been in there. I again think tell the truth or stretch it? I mutter, "Umm a day.....Ok never mind you might want to rewash those."

So needless to say Seth is spending the day doing laundry and he told me I will be folding them when I get home. This brings me to my next point.

Folding Laundry

Though this is one of my most dreaded chores while I am doing it I can't help but smile. I smile because every little outfit I fold has a memory attached to it. I was folding the brown and green footie jammies the other day and smiled as I pictured my poo bear learning how to jump in them.

I folded Kader's sack Jammies and pictured him sleeping on his daddy's chest.

I guess I'll take the laundry, because it is attached to my boys and everything they are.

Off to begin folding the mountains ahead of me.....

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