I can't keep my house clean
I haven't made it to the gym
I pass my husband on my drive to work. (occasionally we meet in a parking lot in between for a quick kiss and I love you.)
I have had a hell of a week at work
I don't know if I belong or even want to anymore.
Is it this time of year.
Are all teachers on edge, or just me?
I've always wanted to teach low income students. In fact when I first started I wanted so bad to teach at an inner city school.
Now I'm lost.
I wish so bad I had parent support, kids that didn't come to school hungry, and not so many sad stories.
Now let me remind you I DO have some great parents, families, and KIDS.
If I won't teach them who will? Do they get a new teacher every 4 years when another one gets burnt out?
What kind of person cares about their own happiness so much that they abandon these kids?
I don't think I can do it. Right when I think about bailing off ship I remember I may be the only stable thing in some of these kids lives.
I am more than a teacher to them. I am their friend, someone they can trust, someone they can feel safe with, and someone who they can confide in. I will continue to be here with them , and if I get asked to interview somewhere else. I will probably say no thank you, and return to my daily business. Besides who gets to work with their best friends every day?
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