I'm thinking about the most crazy things, and when I think back on it it's this time of year.
Something about Spring makes me laugh, cry, smile, and get sad all over again.
I've really tried to focus on positive memories instead of the sad ones, but if you know much about me 2 Springs ago my life took a strange unexpected turn, and I can't stop thinking about that spring....
So maybe just maybe if I write down my positive spring memories they will be more engraved...
Spring is: green, sunny, and just the right temperature.
The start of fishing, and exploring.
My first homecoming with Seth, and OUR wedding.
California beaches, and Wyoming streams.
Long trips to the park, and smiling kids.
BBQ's with friends, longer days, and countdown of school days.
Walking across half-acre in Laramie, graduation.
Old immature love/lust
tanning in 70 degrees
windows down

I love spring I can't help it.....

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