Thursday, January 20, 2011

On the Day You Were Born

If you are a mom and haven't read this book you must run out and buy it now!
This is by far the most beautiful book I've ever read.
It is Krew's new favorite.
Or maybe it's mine so he is forced to love it.
My favorite line from the book....
And as they held you close they whispered into your open, curving ear, "We are so glad you've come."
I CANNOT read this book without crying. Krew always turns and looks at me like what is wrong with you lady, but then goes awwww and gives me a hug.
It is for sure a book wrote for mommies instead of their babies, but it gives kids a little insight to how special they are.

On the day Krew was born daddy was on a boat in Australia. It was a 3:22 pm on Sunday here and 6:22 am Monday to Seth so whenever we talk about what day Krew was born he always says Monday and I have to correct him.
On the day Krew was born his Grandma cut his cord.
On the day he was born his grandpa held tears back as he held his first boy.
On that day half way around the world even though it was 3 weeks early, his dad saw the chaplain walk across the chow hall he knew the Red Cross letter was for him.
On that day mommy was placed in a room alone on a crowded maternity floor so she could receive calls at any hour.

This picture is me getting ready to loose it because I realized Seth had no idea he had a baby yet, because Red Cross wouldn't deliver the message until the baby was born. He swears he just knew though.

On the day Kade was born daddy's eyes were as wide as dinner plates when he realized the wait was over and he was on his way.
On that day Grandma was called and rushed to the hospital to meet the newest little m
On the day you were born your papa held you as you met your big brother for the first time.
On the day you were born Krew gave you a kiss and since has been over protective of you.
On the day you were born all your aunts and uncles filled the room to meet you.

This is Kade a couple hours old, because he came in such a hurry Grandma didn't have the camera there yet!

Boys your days were so incredibly different, but both amazing in totally different ways just like you. Mommy loves you and will never forget the days you were born.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

{My Blessings (which Yoga helps me remember)}

So this has been a pretty rotten week.
Krew has an ear infection.
Kade has torticollis.
Seth is working nights, and the babes aren't sleeping.
This morning Seth's mom came over to watch the boys so I could go to yoga. I laid in bed thinking about asking her to watch them while I slept instead of going to the gym.
Looked down and saw my "leftovers" as I like to call them and decided I better get to the gym even if it was just yoga.

That's just what I needed.
A quiet room
and loosing myself.

She always instructs us to let everything go, but I find myself sorting everything out. I laid there and thought about my life.
My thoughts looked like this:
I'm a mom.
I'm a wife.
I'm a teacher.
I'm a friend.....
Then the ugly thoughts tried to take over
torticollis.... really?
I know it's not a big deal, but really? Come on.

No Lindsey think about the beauty in your life.....

Then I think about my morning that started at 5.
It started with the biggest smile and coo.
Crooked head and all he is still perfect to his mother.
I smiled back and the loudest belly laugh came out, then from the other room I hear, "Mama. Baby."
Next thing I know I have the worlds most beautiful boys both in bed with me, both loving on their mama.

So when I started to get down they brought me right back up and reminded me of my blessings.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Balance...Or just juggling

The biggest fear of a mother of 1 is how will I love another one. Well it just happens. I'm not going to say it happens right away, because it most certainly did not for me. I loved Kade the minute they laid him on my chest, but I will be honest I have never been in so much pain in my entire life, so it was hard for me to think about anything but the pain. I was shaking uncontrollably and couldn't believe that had just happened.
(For those of you that don't know I was admitted to the hospital at 11:50, my water broke at midnight, and Kade was here at 12:06. So as you have probably figured there was no pain meds involved.)
I laid in my hospital room that first night holding my new baby, but my mind was with my other baby. It wasn't for any other reason than he had no idea we left. He went to bed and would wake up to us gone at grandma there. I didn't know how he would react to this, and didn't want his first baby experience to be a bad one.
I laid there and checked the time every 5 min until 6 when I woke Seth up and asked him to go home before Krew woke up. I think he was worried about the same thing, because he shot up and left. He brought Krew back at it was the test. He was very interested in the baby until his papa held him. Then he wanted that baby gone and wanted his Papa to hold him. Well if you know my dad you know Krew has him wrapped around his finger so he picked him up and showed him his little brother. That was when I know it was all going to be alright.
Everyone was right! It does just happen.

I feel like that was the moment I opened my heart and let it swell.

Since then there have been many tears, many moments of what was I thinking, how will I do this, and this is amazing.

I think I've finally 3 months later got it figured out. I know how to love them both and get in time with both of them. Krew and I have our special time first thing in the morning, our drive to work, drive home, and at home while we're waiting for Kade. Kade and I spend our nights making each other smile long after Krew has gone to bed.

They are my world and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Dear Family and Friends,

Well today we got some bad news. Our little Kade was diagnosed with torticollis. We had a feeling something was wrong when he wouldn't turn his head the other way, and wasn't holding it up straight. I thought at first he was just a noodle neck from being an infant until he was coming up on his 3 month birthday and still doing it. We took him to doctor Wang today and sure enough our suspicion was right. Anyway I'm not going to turn this into a sob story because that will do nothing but bring me down. Prognosis is good and we will begin therapy on Monday with some of the best Pediatric Physical Therapists in town. The good thing is we caught is so early that it should only take a couple of months to correct with no surgery needed. Lets keep our fingers crossed! Love that little guy so much and I'm willing to do anything to correct this for him. Please pray for a quick recovery for him.


Monday, January 3, 2011


Dear Sweet boy of mine,
I just wanted to take a minute to tell you what you are to me. I'm probably the worst mom at filling out your baby book, but I've wrote you a hundred letters that I will some day give to you. Or maybe not :-) You are growing way to fast little one! You are sitting on the couch next to me right now and I can't help but wish I could freeze this moment and stare at you forever. Your big blue eyes keep looking at me with complete innocence. You're reading one of your favorite books, and guess what? You know what each page says we've read it so much! You look at the pictures and say some of the words from that page.
I really can't help but think you are VERY intelligent. You know 3 of your colors, both dogs names, Parker, Oakley, Hope, Seth (lol), mama, papa, momma, daddy, turtle, dog, no, ball, bye, hi, go, on top, thank you, more, please, bubbles, juice, bottle, nice, uh-oh, dog, bird, baby, dish :-) I could go on and on all day but I won't! So by 18 months you are supposed to know 10-15 words well you've got that one beat smarty! You can tell me the sounds of a lion, dog, elephant, alligator (SNAP!), sheep, cow, goat, horse, and cat. You are supposed to be able to label 2 body parts well you do nose, eyes, ears, belly, mouth, teeth, feet, and head. I think Dr. Wheeler has a great ring to it how about you?
You have brought so much happiness to me over the last 17 months and 4 weeks :-) You are the biggest chatter box I know. I wouldn't change that for anything. Today we had someone come fix our security alarm and when he was done you looked at him and said, "Thank you." I've never seen such a big man laugh so hard! He asked if you were always so sweet, and you of course know my reply, "He doesn't know a stranger." You are so much like your dad in that way. We go through the store and you say hi to EVERYONE!! I hope you always stay that way and bring light into everyones lives. Everyone loves you. I think we've got a line of friends who would be glad to take you from me and daddy if we ever asked. You are surrounded by love! You are an amazing big brother, and always want to make Kader smile and laugh! Thank you for adjusting so well to him!
You are growing up baby! Please slow down! Love you to the moon and back!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

End of One Year, Beginning of the Next

I would like to start by saying thank you. You treated my very well, and I will always remember you for that. I'm going to be honest and tell you I was terrified for what you might bring. We bought a house in 2008 with steady income from both me and Seth. Well you were the year, the year we had to decide pack it up sell the house and move to California to be a Marine Corps family, or tighten our belts until Seth found a job in Casper. This is how we played it: He applied for many jobs and also filled out re-enlistment paper work. Luckily my amazing husband was offered two police officer jobs, one in Casper and one in Glenrock. He took the job in Casper, and ripped up the re-enlistment papers. His last offical day as a Marine was Feb. 20 and he was sworn in to the Police department Feb. 22. Wow what amazing timing.

You also brought me so many smiles watching my Krew grow into one of the most intelligent little boys I know. He is a chatter box and has been since he started babbling. Must get that from his dad :-) Everyday I thank God
for giving me this little man. He brings a smile to everyones face and is loved by
so many!

You gave me quite the scare of being pregnant only 6 months after having Krew, but I should have known you wouldn't give me anything I couldn't handle. My little Kader is the most beautiful boy. I'm not going to say being a mom of a toddler and an infant is easy because it most certainly is not. Kade was a very hard baby, but since I made it through the tough times I am now rewarded with the biggest smile full of dimples everyday! He is turning out to be quite the little charmer and smiles at me at all the right times! I love these little guys and would do anything for them!

Please tell 2011 to be just as amazing to me. I am starting my Masters so I will need all the help I can get. Please keep my family and friends healthy and happy. Once again thank you......for these blessings