I just wanted to take a minute to tell you what you are to me. I'm probably the worst mom at filling out your baby book, but I've wrote you a hundred letters that I will some day give to you. Or maybe not :-) You are growing way to fast little one! You are sitting on the couch next to me right now and I can't help but wish I could freeze this moment and stare at you forever. Your big blue eyes keep looking at me with complete innocence. You're reading one of your favorite books, and guess what? You know what each page says we've read it so much! You look at the pictures and say some of the words from that page.
I really can't help but think you are VERY intelligent. You know 3 of your colors, both dogs names, Parker, Oakley, Hope, Seth (lol), mama, papa, momma, daddy, turtle, dog, no, ball, bye, hi, go, on top, thank you, more, please, bubbles, juice, bottle, nice, uh-oh, dog, bird, baby, dish :-) I could go on and on all day but I won't! So by 18 months you are supposed to know 10-15 words well you've got that one beat smarty! You can tell me the sounds of a lion, dog, elephant, alligator (SNAP!), sheep, cow, goat, horse, and cat. You are supposed to be able to label 2 body parts well you do nose, eyes, ears, belly, mouth, teeth, feet, and head. I think Dr. Wheeler has a great ring to it how about you?
You have brought so much happiness to me over the last 17 months and 4 weeks :-) You are the biggest chatter box I know. I wouldn't change that for anything. Today we had someone come fix our security alarm and when he was done you looked at him and said, "Thank you." I've never seen such a big man laugh so hard! He asked if you were always so sweet, and you of course know my reply, "He doesn't know a stranger." You are so much like your dad in that way. We go through the store and you say hi to EVERYONE!! I hope you always stay that way and bring light into everyones lives. Everyone loves you. I think we've got a line of friends who would be glad to take you from me and daddy if we ever asked. You are surrounded by love! You are an amazing big brother, and always want to make Kader smile and laugh! Thank you for adjusting so well to him!
You are growing up baby! Please slow down! Love you to the moon and back!
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