I would like to start by saying thank you. You treated my very well, and I will always remember you for that. I'm going to be honest and tell you I was terrified for what you might bring. We bought a house in 2008 with steady income from both me and Seth. Well you were the year, the year we had to decide pack it up sell the house and move to California to be a Marine Corps family, or tighten our belts until Seth found a job in Casper. This is how we played it: He applied for many jobs and also filled out re-enlistment paper work. Luckily my amazing husband was offered two police officer jobs, one in Casper and one in Glenrock. He took the job in Casper, and ripped up the re-enlistment papers. His last offical day as a Marine was Feb. 20 and he was sworn in to the Police department Feb. 22. Wow what amazing timing.
You also brought me so many smiles watching my Krew grow into one of the most intelligent little boys I know. He is a chatter box and has been since he started babbling. Must get that from his dad :-) Everyday I thank God
for giving me this little man. He brings a smile to everyones face and is loved by
so many!
You gave me quite the scare of being pregnant only 6 months after having Krew, but I should have known you wouldn't give me anything I couldn't handle. My little Kader is the most beautiful boy. I'm not going to say being a mom of a toddler and an infant is easy because it most certainly is not. Kade was a very hard baby, but since I made it through the tough times I am now rewarded with the biggest smile full of dimples everyday! He is turning out to be quite the little charmer and smiles at me at all the right times! I love these little guys and would do anything for them!

Please tell 2011 to be just as amazing to me. I am starting my Masters so I will need all the help I can get. Please keep my family and friends healthy and happy. Once again thank you......for these blessings

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