Saturday, January 15, 2011

{My Blessings (which Yoga helps me remember)}

So this has been a pretty rotten week.
Krew has an ear infection.
Kade has torticollis.
Seth is working nights, and the babes aren't sleeping.
This morning Seth's mom came over to watch the boys so I could go to yoga. I laid in bed thinking about asking her to watch them while I slept instead of going to the gym.
Looked down and saw my "leftovers" as I like to call them and decided I better get to the gym even if it was just yoga.

That's just what I needed.
A quiet room
and loosing myself.

She always instructs us to let everything go, but I find myself sorting everything out. I laid there and thought about my life.
My thoughts looked like this:
I'm a mom.
I'm a wife.
I'm a teacher.
I'm a friend.....
Then the ugly thoughts tried to take over
torticollis.... really?
I know it's not a big deal, but really? Come on.

No Lindsey think about the beauty in your life.....

Then I think about my morning that started at 5.
It started with the biggest smile and coo.
Crooked head and all he is still perfect to his mother.
I smiled back and the loudest belly laugh came out, then from the other room I hear, "Mama. Baby."
Next thing I know I have the worlds most beautiful boys both in bed with me, both loving on their mama.

So when I started to get down they brought me right back up and reminded me of my blessings.

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