Thursday, May 12, 2011

{The Love Of Brothers}

Today you are 7 and 22 months.
You both slept so late I had to wake you up to get ready to go.
I got Kade ready, took his 7 month picture, and then handed the sticker to Krew.
Every month this is what we do.
Krew gets the sticker, puts it on his head, and tells me all about his sticker hat.
Funny how this conversation has evolved from, "hat"
To..."mommy, silly hat." "I funny."
Yes Krew you are. You alway can make me smile.
Kade you think your brother is hilarious. You aren't even scared of him anymore.
This morning you both just laughed all morning. Until......
The dreaded car seat.
Kade I'm beginning to wonder if you will EVER tolerate it.
You see it and instantly get mad.
Well this morning something a little different happened.
I put you in and like always you screamed, but then your brother came to the rescue.
He gave you his blanket, his cow, and his sheep.
This is no small thing.
These are his three favorite things of all time.
Once all 3 things were stacked on you he squatted down and said, "hey, hey, ok tater."
You let out the happiest laugh, Krew looks at me and yells, "I did it"
You did it buddy. You showed your brother what the love of a sibling is.
You showed me that no matter what material thing it is, your brother being happy is more important to you.
My goal is to raise you to be a kind person, and well I think we are on the right track.
You both make me so proud. I cannot wait to see what amazing people you turn into.

Love always,
P.S. Please never forget how much you love each other. This quote makes me think of today's events, because today Krew you WERE a superhero to your brother.
Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero.
-Marc Brown

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Greatest Gift He Has Ever Given Me.

My husband is my rock.
My best friend.
The one who gave me the most amazing little boys on the face of the planet. (to me)
As I sit here the night before my 2nd official Mother's Day I can't help but think to thank my husband.
He gave me these wonderful gifts.
I can tell you that my life is full and mean it.
I can tell you that I now know what my mom felt and probably feels.
I can tell you that I would not change one decision I have ever made.
3 years ago I told my mom on mothers day that I was married, and had been for a bit.
She cried and hugged me telling me she knew Seth was the one for me.
Now I sit here with two of the most amazing women I know (my mom and aunt) and we talk about our babies.
Mine just babies, theirs grown adults....
I listen and get excited, and sad.
I need to cherish these moments and hug my babies, because before I know it I'll be sitting with my aunt and mom they'll be talking about their grand kids, and I'll be talking about my grown kids.
So I will again say these are the greatest little people I know, I cannot wait to spend everyday with them, and watch them grow.
Being a mom is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me, along with becoming a wife to a husband that is the most amazing dad.
The loves of my life that fill my heart.......

Thursday, May 5, 2011

{Little things...}

On Tuesday I came home and from my garage I could smell house cleaner.
Ahhhh She came I reminded myself.
The house cleaner had came and went while I was at work, and boy did it feel good to come home to a clean house.
I set the boys down and looked around taking it all in knowing that in about 3 hours they would destroy all her hard work.
But for 10 minutes I lived like I did before babies.
One thing I noticed was my vase was sitting in the middle of my kitchen table empty.
Sad. Lonely.
So Krew and I went out and picked the GIANT tulips that were growing in our ugly garden.
Placed them in the pot that they are way to big for and didn't care, because I had a little Spring in my house when it's not spring outside in Wyoming yet.
Here are my beautiful flowers in a vase that's not quite big enough......