Friday, January 27, 2012

The Problem With...

The Problem with losing weight is pants you love becoming too big
and then not wanting to buy new ones because you still want to lose.

The Problem with naming your kid with a unique name is people begin to realize how awesome it is and start using it themselves.

The Problem with going to Vegas is the week before being filled with anxiety about leaving your sweet babies.

The Problem with having a two year old sleep with you is you always have a sore spot in your back where he pushed his feet all night.

The Problem with working out is not only do you have work clothes to wash, but workout clothes, extra towels from showering, and PJ's. That makes a boat load of laundry....

The Problem with a husband that works shift work is children who see their dad only if they wake up before 6:30 which then in turn causes a mom trying to get ready while two little ones shout demands every thirty seconds.

The Problem with teaching is having no control over what happens after 3:30, before 8:30, and after May 30.

The Problem with living in the same town as your family is you tend to take advantage of babysitters.

The best part of losing said weight is regaining confidence that has been missing the last 2.5 years.

The best part of having a "Krew" is knowing that his name has actual meaning to his dad and I not just a cool name.

The best part of going to Vegas is getting some much needed time with my husband so we can remember who Seth and Lindsey are.

The best part of having a two year old sleep with you is how he wraps his arms around you in the middle of the night to make sure you haven't left.

The best part about having a husband who works shift work is he gets 3-4 days off every week to be a "stay at home dad." Which means he has a relationship with our boys that other dads can only envy.

The best part of teaching is for those 9 1/2 months from 8:30-3:30 you can make a difference even if it isn't as big as you had hoped.

The best part of living in the same town as your family is Sunday night dinners.

The moral with the story is while lately I have been a negative Nancy and only looking at the problem with EVERYTHING. I mean seriously I have cried over everything this week. That being said my goal for next week is I am planning on looking at only the best part of things even when that can be really hard. I am thankful for my problems when I know they could be SO much worse.

Friday, January 13, 2012

{15 & 30}

15 and 30 months...
No I don't still count your age in months Krew, but this month was a little special.
The one time in your life you are exactly double Kade.
Kade the one time in your life you are exactly half of Krew's age.
It is so funny how a mommy's big boy is just that and her baby is always a baby.
I called you (Kade) my baby the other day and your dad sternly reminded me you are a toddler.
I disagree! If you are 15 months or 30 years old you will always be my baby.

Krew I'm not sure if it's because you are the oldest or what but you seemed so big 15 months ago.
I remember after Kade was born I gave you a pack of muffins and set you on the couch.
15 months next to a newborn you may as well have been 18 in my eyes.
Well the muffins ended crumbled all over the couch, on the floor, in your hair, and maybe a few bites in your tummy.
That little moment reminded me that you were still a baby.
I can't help but feel like I stole baby years from you by having your brother so close to you. I swore from that day on I would remind myself and everyone you were still a baby too.
However you had other thoughts.
You were the big brother from October 19th on.
I say the 19th because I'm pretty sure you thought we would take Kade back for the entire first week. :-)
You took on a role that makes this mommy so proud.
You are
Protective: you can pick on Kade all you want but NO ONE else can.
Caring: I love how you tell him when he is upset, "It's okay Tater no cryin'!"
In Love: The other night you looked at me and said, "I love tater so much." and I know you do buddy.
Bossy: You have no problem telling him what to do "share tater", "go night night tater", "Nice touches tater" and oh so many more....
Thank you Krew for being you!

Kade you on your 15 month birthday are the most hilarious little boy.
You are mean, loving, loud, cuddly, and smart.
You love to brush your teeth. All The Time!
You make me sit down and then plop right down in my lap.
You love dogs. (No surprise there)
You kiss the dogs, hug the dogs, and when I'm not looking lick the dogs....
You are sleeping good again! Thank goodness.
You still make Daddy put you down.
Papa is your most favorite person in the world.
(I'm still trying to figure out how all the grand kids go right to him.)
You Eat, and eat, and eat
I'm not kidding when I say that you eat all the time.
I think you went through a growth spurt and I'm excited to see how much you've grown the last 3 months because all that eating had to go somewhere right?
You say mama, dada, dog, dede (Your brothers name for blanket), nana (banana), ball
You sign more and please.
Give kisses away for free.
Most importantly you smile all the time.
Thank you Kader for being my baby and making my heart smile everyday!

I love you two more than words but as Buzz would say, "To infinity and beyond."


Sunday, January 8, 2012

Ahhh Where Does Time Go?!?!

I have totally been absent for what 3 months now!?!?
What have I been doing?
I been with you boys.
We've been learning to walk.
Building forts.
Reading books, lots of books.
Learning to be nice, not hit, not bite, share.....
These last three months have been wonderful
I have witnessed you two become so close.
Kade, you have made a complete 180.
You are the sweetest little boy who loves everyone.
When daddy works nights you always try to break into the room to wake him during the day.
He has to be the one to put you to bed, but I have to be the one who gets you out.
You love your new school and have finally taken to it.
Krew you have become more of a little boy than toddler.
This year you knew what Santa was all about and couldn't wait to see the surprises he brought you.
You are working on the potty training, and truly it is hit or miss.
I think we might lay off for a while....
You are very much into MINE :-)
You tell everyone how much you love them.
You two are by far the most amazing little guys and I can't wait to see what amazing things you accomplish this year!
I will do my best to keep my online journal to never forget these precious moments.
However I will not waste time on here when I can be snuggling with you, so forgive me if my entries are spotty!