Thursday, July 11, 2013

Where does the time go? 4 Years of unconditional love

My sweet Krew,
Well here we go again! I cannot believe it was 4 years ago that I became a mommy. Thinking back on the last year there are so many firsts. I will do my best to write them all so we can forever remember the year you were 3! This year was your very first year of preschool and I was so worried about having you in the same school as me, but you did so good. If you saw me in the hall you would catch your bubble and keep listening to your teacher.(Most of the time) You absolutely loved Mrs. Pauli and I'm sure that you will forever remember your first teacher. I am so proud of how much you learned this year and I'm sure you will continue to impress me!
This year you were also lucky enough to go on your very first hunting trip. You went with me, daddy, and papa to go antelope hunting. You were such a trooper and had a blast.

This year you also began playing basketball, soccer, and are getting ready to start t-ball. You are so incredibly fast! You get that from your daddy for sure. I'm not sure that being an athlete will be your thing or not, but I do know that I am so proud of you for never giving up. The last few soccer practices you didn't want to play, but we stuck it out and at least watched. I have to admit I think soccer was a flop because of the amount of kids they had on the field at one time.

During spring break you had your first trip to Disneyland and actually your second trip to California and the beach. I will forever remember you and Kader running on the beach and the way you could spend all day at the zoos. We would go home at night and you would show me the maps and tell me the exact locations we went to. You still hound me about missing the gorillas at the San Diego Zoo. Next time buddy that will be the first place we go :-)

Krew you are the most amazing big brother and son a mommy could ask for. You love with all of your heart and give the best cuddles. You have a love for animals that has me convinced that you will be a vet or work with animals in one way. You are very cautious but very brave. During branding this year you really helped papa and mommy move the cows and there were times we got a little nervous at how close you got. I know I say it every year and I can promise you I will never stop. Krew you are one of the best things that has ever happened to me. When Dr. Sheridan placed you in my arms I knew I would never be the same. You were the first person to call me mommy and I will forever be grateful to you for that precious gift. Thank you for showing me how to love unconditionally.

For your 4th year I hope you continue to grow and learn. I hope you continue to love school and make friends. I hope you continue to show your brother how much you love him, and most of all I hope you keep that million dollar smile.  

The results from the yearly survey!! I love how a few of the answers are the same!!! 

What is your favorite toy? "Ummm I think I need a snack first before I can answer that." (Touche little buddy) After snack: "My favorite toy is Buzz."
What is your favorite show? "Right now I really like The Goofy Movie."
What is your favorite food? "My favorite food is chicken, its delicious."
What is your favorite thing to do with daddy? "I like to go to the camp with daddy and Papa."
What is your favorite thing to wear? "My skivvies" (Wow 2 years in a row)
What is your favorite game? "My favorite game is playing hide and seek" (Same as last year)
What is your favorite color? "Blue"
What is your favorite animal? "Giraffe"
What is your favorite book? "This book about where animals live and what they eat." (You really do have daddy read that book to you every night!
Who is your best friend? "Maddux and well not Kade today because he took my toy away. Most other days Kade is my best brother though."
What is your favorite thing to do outside? "Slide down the slide"
What is your favorite drink? "Juice. Can I have some juice?"
What is your favorite holiday? "What is a holiday? Oh Ok well I really like Christmas"
What is your favorite thing to sleep with? "You." (Well ok but don't tell daddy I let you crawl in bed when he is gone.)
What do you want to be when you grow up? "Umm I want to be a doctor or a Cowboy"
What is your favorite movie? "Jack Frost" (Rise of The Guardians)
What is your favorite thing to do with mommy? "I like when we play pirates"
Where is your favorite place to go? "The Camp with my family"

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Today I Noticed

I think we all get in the habit of wishing days away.
We are constantly looking forward to the next instead of living in the moment.
I am the queen of this.
16 days until Christmas break...
But everyday I challenge myself to notice something amazing about the day.
I challenge myself to live in the moment.
Some days this is really easy and others it is one of the most challenging parts of my day.

Today was an especially easy day to notice.
This morning I noticed a husband who had both boys dressed and ready before I woke up.
I had eggs, an avocado, and coffee waiting for me when I got out of the shower.
I had a baby with a puffy little face and a little guy who was rocking out in the kitchen while his dad was cooking him breakfast.
It is so easy to get stressed with the everyday busy schedule of a working mom, but today I took a deep breath and was thankful for an amazing life.
Today I noticed. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Last Friday we received a phone call.
The one with a number that looks familiar but your not sure where.
The one that you know brings some news.
The one that says someone is gone forever.
It hit hard and it fast.
It didn't matter that we haven't seen him in 3 years.
What mattered was we would never see him again.
Never hear his laugh.
What mattered was for the last 3 years he'd been talking about coming to see us and we'd been talking about going to see him.
We will be going tomorrow.
Too little too late.

When I think about losing a friend there are no words. The last person I knew personally and was close to that passed away was my Grandpa... I was 6.
So to say that I do not know how to handle this is an understatement.
I look at my husband who has lost more friends in the past 2 years than I care to share and I realize how amazingly strong he is.
I look around at my family and friends and realize I don't want to go 3 years before I see them and then it be too late.
I realize I need to hug my babies more and worry about dishes less.
I need to have girls nights and laugh with the beautiful people I surround myself with.
I need to travel and see my friends who I am not lucky enough to live close to.
I need to continue to date my husband.
I need to live and I need to grow old because as they say it is a privilege denied to many.

So tomorrow when we drive 14 hours to Yakima WA we will be jamming out to a Trav mix that I'm sure will make me laugh, make me cry, and probably make me curse his choice of music.
We will share memories with some of the most amazing people I know and we will most likely be forced to have a shot of Yukon Jack. But most of all I will laugh because that is what he would want.

Monday, October 15, 2012


Dear Kader,
Can you believe that you are two?? These past years have absolutely flown by. I honestly don't even know what to say about you my baby boy. You are a million different things rolled into one. You are one of the meanest sweetest little boys I know. Let me explain.... You react impulsively and have a terrible temper. (Thank Grandpa and Dad) This being said you hit, bite, and scream often. Sometimes I am convinced that you aren't even sure why you do it.  However you hate to see people you love hurt. Your brother is very sensitive, and when you see him cry you do whatever you can to help your Krew. This is often the reason of your not so sweet behaviors. The other day Hope made your brother cry and you weren't so kind to her in the after math. You ask me for "nuggles" all the time and hold on tight if only for a split second.
Your smile is by far the best smile on the face of the planet. You smile so big your dimples shine and your eyes disappear. You light up my life with that smile. You are a dancing fool and always ask to "move it." When we drive to school in the morning you always tell me and your brother to dance. Talk about an amazing way to start even the grumpiest days.  Your big brother is your best friend, but you also love to play with Maddux and you ask about every other day to go to his house. You like to fight over Ben and Mo and who they belong to. Krew always explains that they are both of yours. I can't wait to see your reaction when they have kids of their own! Your main goal in life is to grow big and strong like daddy so you clean your plate most of the time. Have I mentioned yet how incredibly smart you are? You know how old you are and yell it for the world to know. You have learned your colors and most of your shapes. Your vocabulary is out of this world and impresses me every day. To say the least Kade I thank God every day he gave me you.
Mommy loves you to the moon and back sweet boy. Happy Birthday.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Life Lessons

While on pinterest the other day I saw this quote and it really struck a cord with me.

I believe as a parent you try so hard to be perfect and a good role model, but I also believe that we can always improve. So while trying to be the person I want you boys to be I have developed a list of qualities that I want you to see daily so you can understand their importance.

1. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE: It is so easy to walk around being angry, but in the end that does nothing but hurt yourself. If you try your hardest to only focus on the things you love and the things that are good in your life you will find your heart full.

2. Forgive quickly...This is by far the biggest challenge for me because I am so much like my dad. Forgiveness is not something that comes easily to me but it is something I am working on. What is the point of holding a grudge when you can let it go. That doesn't mean you should forget the lessons it taught you.

3. Material things are NOT important. I have always given you boys the best. I am stating today that this will no longer be the case. While you will always wear clean nice clothes you will no longer have a new outfit everyday (This is a bit over exaggerated, but not much...). There is no need for a billion toys when you have these amazing imaginations that get more use than any object I could buy you.

4. Play... There will always be time to clean but we have so many limited beautiful days that we will take advantage of them 100%.

5. Work Hard. While playing is important it is also important to remember that in order to play you have to work hard on the other days.

6. Don't sweat the small stuff. Krew the other day you drew all over the recliner and in all honesty I just walked away. I wanted to yell I wanted to put you in time out, but I also knew that I would not put your feelings below a piece of furniture. I came back into the room a few minutes later after screaming into my pillow to hear you say, "Look at the e I drew mommy. Aren't you so proud of me?" At that moment I knew I made the right decision of walking away when I was angry. Don't get me wrong we had a very serious conversation afterward about writing on the couches.

7. Read. You can never read enough. You will find so much joy reading a book and losing yourself in the story.

8. Get out and move! While I have not made it to the gym nearly enough this summer I think I've done something much more important. I have showed you how to get exercise in your own back yard. We have spent hours running through the sprinklers, Daddy and I have strapped you on our backs and hiked the bridal trail, you've gone on walks every day. Needless to say I am glad I made the decision to spend this time with you.

9. Disagree respectfully. I think the reason your daddy and I work so well together is because we have very different opinions, but the majority of the time we disagree respectfully. This is also something I know I can do better on and I work on it daily, but you will know how to state your point without hurting feelings.

10. Give.  Your grandma is the picture of giving. I mean this in many different ways, and this is something I plan on showing you rather than telling you about.

There are a million other little things I want you to become, but right now I am choosing to focus on those 10 little traits and we will go from there. I have no doubt that you will become great men, but I also know that my role in who you become is much more important than I may have noticed. I promise to remember that you are always watching, and I hope you see something great!


Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Dear Krew,
I cannot believe that tomorrow you will be 3 years old. You are such a big boy and mommy is so proud of you. Over the last year you have accomplished so much that I don't even know where to begin! Your biggest accomplishment is being 100% potty trained. YAHOO!!! You continue to be one of the sweetest little boys I know and play so good with all of your friends. You have a heart of gold and truly care for other people and animals. Whenever Kade cries you remind him that it is going to be ok and you are the first person to comfort him. The other day I got out of the shower and I heard you tell him, "It's okay Kader mommy is never going to leave us." While we were at the fair the other day you were so sad for the animals at the petting zoo and kept telling me and daddy they were starving and it wasn't nice. I think it is so funny how you have an intuition for things like that because you did not say a word about the 4-H animals because you just knew they were taken care of.

Not only do you have a heart of gold but you have brains that boggle my mind on a daily basis. It is so funny how fast you learn things when I am not aware of it. We have been going to science camp at the science zone and at your first lesson they taught you about the eye. I thought it was way over your head and just let you wrestle with Maddux the whole time. Then a week later we were driving and you said, "Mommy what color is your iris?" I told you brown and you said, "Yep and your pupil is black." I will never doubt how much you can take from a lesson again.

With both of these amazing attributes it does not surprise me one bit that playing doctor is one of your all time favorite games. When you fix one of your animals you take such care and talk to them in the sweetest voice. You then fix their problem and help your next patient.

Not only do you have brains and a beautiful heart but I must also mention just how handsome you are. When you sleep at night I still sit there and stare and your perfect little face and think about how there is not one thing I could change on you. Your smile stretches across your face and your laugh makes everyone laugh with you. Your blue eyes dance when you are doing something mischievous and your naughty little grin make it so hard to be mad. You are just flat AMAZING!!!

Krew I want you to know that mommy thinks the world of you and cannot imagine life without you. From the day you came into my life it has been brighter and full of love.
You have taught me so much over the last 3 years that have made me a better person.
Always remember sweet boy that you are loved by so many people, especially your mommy and daddy.

To the moon and back my big 3 year old!!
XOXO Mommy

So here are your answers to your birthday questions... I have to admit some took a little prodding and some I think you completely made up :-)

What is your favorite toy? "My dinosaurs"
What is your favorite show? "Jake"
What is your favorite food? "Apples"
What is your favorite thing to do with daddy? "I like fishing wif daddy"
What is your favorite thing to wear? "My skivvies"
What is your favorite game? "Hide and Seek wif daddy"
What is your favorite color? "Blue and Pink"
What is your favorite animal? "The Horses and cows and dogs and tigers and dinosaurs."
What is your favorite book? "This one" (How do Dinosaurs say Goodnight)
Who is your best friend? "My very best Parker and my best Maddux and my best Kade and my best cohen."
What is your favorite thing to do outside? "Play in the water"
What is your favorite drink? "JUICE"
What is your favorite holiday? "Santa Clause"
What is your favorite thing to sleep with? "My Riley" (Riley does not sleep with you....EVER)
What do you want to be when you grow up? "Catch the bad guys"
What is your favorite movie? "Rio"
What is your favorite thing to do with mommy? "I do not books"
Where is your favorite place to go? "The Animal zoo"

All boy all the time

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Fourth of July

This is by far my favorite holiday of the year.
BBQs with family.
Flags on nearly every house.
Patriotic shirts.
The amazing music that makes my eyes well up with tears. 
This is the holiday where I feel so proud of the country I live in.
I feel proud of my husband and our friends who serve it.
Not only our military friends but the police officers, firemen, teachers, nurses, and every other person who helps make this country great. 
May we always remember what an amazing place we live in and do our part to keep it great for our children.
God Bless America